Stoneweg and Varia Swiss Realtech Properties announce the launch of BEEZI (beezi.ch), the first chain of new generation industrial spaces in Switzerland.
The project represents an investment of over CHF 100 million over the next three years.
The first BEEZI centre is already under construction in Tolochenaz (Vaud).
The 4th industrial revolution generated by digitalisation continues to unfold its effects.
The recent global pandemic has only accelerated its impact, affecting all aspects of our lives and all sectors of the economy. Commercial and industrial real estate is no exception.
It is in this context that Varia Swiss Realtech Properties (VSRP), a joint venture between Stoneweg and Decalia, intends to invest heavily (over 100 million over 3 years) and launch BEEZI, the first chain of industrial spaces in Switzerland.
Stoneweg intends to develop the BEEZI brand throughout Switzerland, creating a true network of new generation industrial spaces.
The chain concept is completely new in the industrial and craft sector and allows tenants, industrialists, craftsmen or established companies to benefit from the entire BEEZI network across the country, from the numerous shared infrastructures and services as well as from the synergies generated thanks to the community that the network constitutes. BEEZI makes available to industrialists and craftsmen new working methods previously reserved for start-ups.